Monday, January 14, 2013

Stainless Steel Protection

Stainless steel is a member of family of steels containing a minimum of 11% chromium. It is an alloy of iron and chromium with controlled amount of carbon. The higher the chromium content, the stronger the steel becomes.
When exposed, the oxygen in the environment binds to the chromium of the steel. The chromium-containing oxide also called the passive film gives the steel product a staining and corrosive resistance. However, in areas having low levels of oxygen, binding of oxygen to chromium lessens and lessens the ability of the protection these two atoms create making the steel vulnerable.
Lesser oxygen content in the environment where the steel is being applied causes the product to perform less because oxygen is a vital component in the passive film's composition and protection of the product as a whole.

Metallurgist Harry Brearly accidentally discovered that adding chromium to low carbon steel gave its resistance to staining. Along with nickel, niobium, molybdenum, and chromium enhance the passive film and the weldability, formability and toughness of stainless steel.
The image above shows the classification, grade and properties of stainless steel.

This is what makes our stainless steel strong and desirable for application specially for kitchen fixtures. Aside from its desirable strength, it projects a seamless, elegant and modern appearance.

The SCADE Stainless Steel welcomes all inquiries, comments and suggestion. Leave us a message and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at

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